Sunday, April 11, 2010

o2. silence is golden

so basically this is my faux dressed up fairytale for myself. i'll post up inspiration- quotes, fashion, photography, music, writing in an attempt to get myself motivated. call it a pet project, and i'll be damned if i don't write myself a happy ending.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

this is the beginning.

today i fell over backwards waiting for you. i stopped by and lay on concrete and watched the patterns in the sky. i think i saw rabbits and i wrote streamlined across the sky in expectation yellow nail polish, the words i would say, the words i would write to you. and all this time i was waiting.

hey, did you know that i am on a crusade to wound my heart? i will reach in, deeper, deeper and deeper still and cut myself to pieces loving you. you will watch me, and do nothing. except this time the story is being rewritten.

this time i want you to know who i am.